Draw up more fairways in regulation

Shots for all situations | Better golf & Coaching

Even if you play a fade, there’s no reason you should be intimidated by a hole shaped the opposite way. Once you know how to hit a draw, you’ll have the confidence to pull off the shot whenever the situation demands it!


Tee it high with the driver but before you let it rip, you want to set up in a way that makes sure you pull off that right-to-left shape (opposite for left-handed golfer).

Close off your stance, aiming right of your intended target line and set the clubface right of target but slightly left of the line of your stance.

Swinging on an in-to-out path will promote that right-to-left shot shape. You may find it helpful to feel as though you’re trying to rotate the toe of the clubface to the left during the swing

DRILL in that DRAW

A good drill to help you hone this swing path is to drop your trail leg slightly back. This shifts your weight onto your lead side and makes it much easier to move it in a right-to-left direction.

Visit us for a swing assessment and we’ll give you some tips that’ll help you conquer any tee-shot, no matter the shape required!

Whip your tee-shots into shape

PGA Professional Rick Shiels demonstrates how to hit it right-to-left with ease!

Draw confidence from your swing

We’ll equip you with the tools to hit a draw off the tee on demand! Send us a message and let's sharpen your skills.



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